Saturday, July 28, 2007

More Manimal Training

Yesterday was another big, big day. This time it was a group ride and I certainly needed the company. I drove to Boulder last night and stayed with Billy Edwards, an awesome IM athlete you will be hearing about soon. We rolled out from his house at 6:30 and met up with the rest of the crew. It was Gordo, Chris, Dennis, Jeff, Matt, Justin, John and the lone female Marilyn. The route was to go out East to Wiggins, about 75 miles out on rollers, with a stop in Hudson on the out and back. Our plan was to stick together on the way out, and until the last stop in Hudson. After that, there were no rules and everyone was on their own.
My legs were good, but I could not get comfortable in the saddle. All day long I was shifting and moving, trying to find the sweet spot. After 4 hours we were in Wiggins and stopped for lunch. I stuck to some Fig Newtons and Gatorade while others loaded up with sandwhiches and cookies. We pulled out and headed home. There were no attacks, but Chris put in a big pull and we were motoring along. At one point I was on the front and the pace just kept ramping up. I knew I couldn't hold the pace so I peeled off to grab onto the back. Well, apparently some other guys wanted to keep the pace high and I was popped. I struggled the last 30 minutes back to Hudson where the group was already enjoying their assorted goodies.
We had about 2 hours left and now it was everyone for themselves. Surprisingly it was tame for the first 30 minutes, but then the attacks started coming. No one really got away thanks to some well timed lights and general fatigue. I was able to hold on, and even cover some attacks myself. I took some chances late in the ride, knowing I could blow up at any moment. It was a risk worth taking as I figured what's the point of just sitting in for the last bit of the ride? Billy and I peeled off to go back to his place. We hit his house after 159 miles and just over 7 hours of pedaling. Billy had some errands to run, but I headed out the door for a run. I planned on 30 minutes, but I felt good so I went for 45 instead. I was able to hold some sub 7 miles at the end feeling steady.
Another strong day under my belt for sure. I showered up, threw the bike in the car and headed home. All I wanted was to relax so I put one of my favorite frozen pizzas on the grill, had a drink (juice) and relaxed in our backyard. It was a great way to end the day. I was surprised that my legs weren't sore or stiff at all.
Today I woke up still feeling good. I was hoping to get another 3-4 hours on the bike, but after 30 minutes I could tell the legs weren't quite there so it was just over 2 for me. I did throw in some harder sections, 1 hour at 225 ave. watts, then a few 5 minute jumps holding 250 watts. Off the bike it was a 90 minute run with the first 45 being very hilly and lots of climbing. I pushed the last 45 working on a high cadence. It hurt at the end, but I thought "It's IM training, it's supposed to hurt!"
After a shower and nap I am hoping to get to the pool for an easy recovery swim. It's hard to get out the door sometimes as all I want to do is put the feet up on the couch and relax. I guess I have the rest of my life to do that!

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