Friday, July 20, 2007

Tasty water and another solid day

Check out that pic! It's in Ward, just below the 2 little stores. It's just a pipe coming out of the ground, but the water is some of the cleanest, coldest, purest water I have ever tasted. I love to fill my bottles there, plus it's free. When I lived in Boulder I would drive up there with those big plastic water containers like they have at the office and fill them up. Now I get my fix when I ride up there on occassion.
I had a pretty good day today starting from my morning swim to my weight session at the end of the day.
My swim was really strong. I got back into the faster lane today as I felt up to it finally. Surprisingly I was flying and had not trouble keeping up. My stroke was fluid and fast and I felt like I was gliding along effortlessly. Even my pathetic kick was feeling better.
After the swim I had some food and worked on catching up with some friends. I got out the door for my run but felt slow and sluggish. I had some hill repeats to do and I wasn't looking forward to them. Then I re-focused my energy. Lately I have been reading a book on mental skills and I used some of the suggestions I read about. I put a picture in my head of a past good run, saw myself very vividly performing well, then I moved the "video" forward to the present. I focused on each step, having good form and being strong. Rather than struggling through the workout, I acceled. The power of the mind is incredible.
After another short break I got on the bike for a steady 2 hours. Again I was tired mentally and I rode mostly into a headwind. Again I stayed focused and worked well. I knew I was going to ride the 2 hours no matter what and I asked myself what I wanted to think when I got home. Did I want to say "that sucked"? Or did I want to climb off the bike feeling like I did something productive. So I just worked on smooth pedaling, staying aero and keeping the cadence high.
A short break and I hit the weight room. I like lifting and I think it helps in all 3 sports. I focus on functional strength, not just "curls for girls". Having played tennis in college, I was lucky to work with a strength coach that was very in to swiss balls, medicine balls and core work. I do a lot of single leg training, upper body work with bands and core work that focuses on activating the core, not just doing a bunch of crunches.
The weekend should be good. Plenty of training and watching the Boulder Peak Triathlon on Sunday. Good luck to all those racing.
Next week will consist of a bunch of riding. I plan to ride to Boulder on Tuesday, ride from Boulder to SteamBoat Springs (approx. 150 miles) on Wednesday, and then ride 4 hours back before climbing into the car. Court is going to meet me in the Springs on Wednesday so it will be a little get away for us.

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