Friday, August 17, 2007

Taper Mode

This shot was taken at Roth during a BBQ a few days before the race. It's probably the best shot of the 2 of us that I've seen. Just looking at it makes me smile and remember our great trip.
So I am in taper mode, which is always strange for me. I have my routine and what I am used to, so being home at 1 with nothing to do is hard to deal with. I've watched some good movies, read a few books and surfed the net way too much. I feel strong and ready for a good day. I will probably race without a watch, just my powermeter for the info. I think I need to just race from the heart and let the chips fall where they may. This race is all about breaking through mental barriers and pushing the envelope. I've finished 8 IM's, the past 4 have been between 9 12 and 9 24. It's time to break 9 hours! I know I can do it, it's just a matter of letting it happen. You can't force a great day. You just have to trust your training, be focused and go for it on race day. I am looking forward to this opportunity to go after what I have wanted for years.
I have been reading a mental skills book and it has helped me to realize my own mental blocks, fears and shortcomings. Facing those issues has been both difficult and rewarding. To analyze yourself honestly and to actively seek your flaws exposes you as a person. The flip side is that it makes you a stronger and better person for that. I hope that what I have worked on will be with me on race day. I feel like I have the physical tools to meet and exceed my goals, it's just a matter of getting my head right.

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